Hobbit Furniture

Hobbit Furniture


21 produits

Chaise de conte Hobbit Prix de vente€722,62
slate stoolslate hobbit chair set
Chaise Hobbit Ardoise et Chêne Prix de venteA partir de €379,68
oak carved benchhandmade garden bench
Banc d'histoire en chêne sculpté Prix de vente€2.523,06
Viking oak carvings featuring Norse symbolscarved viking throne
Celtic Knotwork Viking Throne Chair Prix de vente€2.204,61
Hand carved storytelling chair made for a school for children with painted stories on the backrest and seat of the chair school story time chair
Chaise conte de fées Prix de vente€906,34
fairy houses in treefairy fantasy  houses
Maisons de fées Prix de venteA partir de €673,63
Oak Woodland Bench /ChairOak Backrest
Chaise / Banc Géant En Chêne Prix de vente€1.959,66
Giant Storytelling Bench
Banc Conteur Géant Prix de vente€3.061,96
giant storytellers chair 02storytelling chair on Cadair Idris
Chaise de Conte Géante Prix de vente€2.033,14
hand carved storytelling chair 02hand made storytelling chair
eisteddfod chair
harlech circular benchOak circular Bench
Whimsical storytelling chair in snowy forestMagical wooden chair with stars and snowdrops
Magical Snowdrop Story Time Chair Prix de vente€1.775,94
wooden mushroom stool which is red with white dotswooden carved mushroom circle stool
Tabouret Champignon Prix de venteA partir de €146,97
Custom-made bed frame adorned with Nightmare Before Christmas artwork, blending natural wood and fantasy elements.Handcrafted Tim Burton-inspired bed with whimsical designs set against a scenic outdoor backdrop.
L'Étrange Noël de monsieur Jack Prix de venteA partir de €2.645,54
solid-oak-four-poster-bedcurvy tree bed
Lit d'arbre à baldaquin en chêne rustique Prix de venteA partir de €2.633,29
handmade-wooden-fairy-bedLit Dreamweaver fait à la main
Lit Dreamweaver fait à la main Prix de venteA partir de €2.633,29
driftwood chairs organic furniture
Chaises pour enfants en bois Prix de vente€587,90
memorial wooden benchWooden Memorial bench for Belle who passed away
Banc Licorne Prix de vente€1.959,66
sunshine bedhandmade wooden bed
lit de lever de soleil Prix de venteA partir de €2.755,77